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This page outlines the process of listing items for sale, and managing your auction items during and after the sale. Our site features auction software that has many extra features that will allow you to easily manage and promote your listings. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with what is available to you.
One of the features of our system is that every member is provided with a Home Page. This home page is created from your contact information, and the information that you provide in the Preferences section of the Seller Tools Menu. The home page serves as a starting point for our visitors and your customers to go directly to your auction listings. 
To enter an item, select Add a New Item from the menu in the Members Area. A form will be displayed to fill out the information of your item. Some of the information the form includes is not required and will be noted as Optional. After you have entered the required information, you may choose any options you feel would best aid in the sale of your item. 

Before we get into the details, you need to understand how the items are displayed. Items are generally displayed in lists of up to 30 items before a button for next results appears (there may be multiple pages in any Category or search results).  This list will include The Title, Starting Bid (it will show reserve if you choose this), and the current bidding status. Only the Title and Price are required for this list. For each item, the Title is linked to the Detailed Item Listing of an item, which will include the full information, bidding history, and your rules. If an image is present, a photo icon is displayed next to the title in the list. Items can be bid on from either the list, or the Detailed Item Listing. The reason that we point this out is to let you know that a simple entry may get overlooked by a potential buyer and in many cases it would be best to make your Title "catchy" to attract attention. You may also consider the "Featured" options that will place your items at the top of the first page.

  • Image URL. This will display on the Detailed Item Listing page for an item. An icon is displayed in the list showing that it has a Photo. Remember to resize your scanned images. Not everyone has a fast modem. If they have to wait for pictures to load, they usually give up and move on. The Url of the picture must be complete, and include http:// etc. If you do not have a website to pull pictures from through the URL you may Upload an Image directly from your Computer into your sellers folder on this Auction Site. To do this, simply click the "Upload An Image Here" button and choose the picture from your computer and then click the "Upload Image" button. The preview function will display the picture if the Image Upload was successful or if the URL is correct. We believe that a picture really is worth a thousand words, that's why we've placed this option at the top of the list. Even more important that a catchy title or a fancy description, a picture is the best way to represent your item. NOTE: If you are going to upload a picture from your computer, then do this first and fill in the rest of the information after the image is uploaded.
  • Choose a Category You will need to pick a Category from our list that most represents the type of item you are selling. 
  • Title For This Auction Item is required for all items. It can be up to 80 characters in length and should attract attention to your item. Titles are required to have at least 3 words in them.
  • Description. Not required if the Title can explain it all, but there are few items like that. The Description will be displayed on the Detailed Item Listing. Note that you may include HTML if you know how, but plain old text will work just fine. It is best to be as complete and accurate as possible.
  • Quantity Available. This is a required area, so that our system will know which auction format to use. Items with a quantity of 1 use the regular style, that will allow the bidders to use the Maximum bidding feature on their behalf. Items with a quantity of more than one use the Yankee format. No maximum bidding allowed here. The yankee system will sell multiple items from one auction item listing and the bidding is not required to increase until all of the available items have been bid on. If you are interested in just selling at your starting price, then the yankee system will work fine for you. But it is harder to get the bids increased, as you need to have more interested bidders to be involved. With the regular system, you only need two people to be interested to see the bidding raise.
  • Selling Price. The good part, for the seller anyway. The Selling Price is of course a required field. The Selling Price can be either the Starting Bid for regular auctions OR the Reserve Price for Reserve Auctions.  If you use Reserve Bidding, the Selling Price will not show, (we'll display the Reserve Starting Bid instead and the fact that this is a "Reserve Auction").  The Reserve Price is not considered met until the bid reaches the Selling Price. Again, enter numbers and the necessary decimal only, and we'll put the dollar sign in for you.
  • Shipping Information. If you have entered this information into your Preferences it will automatically be entered and can be edited if necessary. If you have not entered it in your Preferences then you can enter it here. This information should include any specifics about your shipping policies (Carrier, Class, Method, etc.).
  • Payment Information. If you have entered this information into your Preferences it will automatically be entered and can be edited if necessary. If you have not entered it in your Preferences then you can enter it here. This information should include any specifics about your Payment Policies (Money Order, Checks, Credit Cards, Within 10 Days, etc.).
  • Length of This Auction. Choose the Ending Day and Ending Time from the Drop Down Menus provided.
  • Display Options. This is your opportunity to put yourself at the top of the list. There are two ways to feature your items.

  • 1. Main Page Featured items are displayed on the site Home Page and on the Categories Page as well as at the top of Category List Displays. And,
    2. Category Featured items are displayed at the top of Category List Displays. Main Page Featured Items do everything the Category Featured Items do, plus more. So don't select both.
  • Bold Text and Arrow Icons. These Items can enhance the appeal of your item and are designed to attract attention. They are displayed in the List Displays.
  • Saving Options. In this area you have 3 main choices

  • 1. Preview the information that you have entered and make any additional changes that may be necessary.
    2. Send Items to Auction Directly will put the Item directly into the auction and if there are any problems with the information you've entered it will display the errors at that time and allow you to correct them and,
    3. Save Items For a Later Date will allow you to input all the information and then save that info in another area until you wish to auction it. Access Saved listings from the Seller Tools menu. Saved Items are available for 30 days.
    • Items Listed
      • In this area you will be able to view the status of all your current auctions. 
      • You may sort your list of items by bids, page views, high bids, starting prices, titels and item numbers. 
      • You may easily access editing, ending and adding features from this list.
      • At the bottom of the list, or from the Seller Tools Menu, you may choose to list items from a specific category only.
    • Relist
      • All items that have closed are listed here. Items that have not sold are listed first. 
      • You may view sold items by checking Show Sold Items in the search form at the bottom of the list.
      • You may edit an item before relisting by clicking the link next to each item.
      • You may relist multiple items at once by checking the boxes next to the item and selecting the ending date below.
      • When relisting items, all fees that may be applied to listing an item will be charged. If you have previously uploaded an image for this item, this image will follow, and the fee charged again, unless removed with the single item relisting link.
    • End an Auction Early
      • End a current auction by providing the Item Id. Not recommended, but sometimes necessary.
    • Add Features
      • Add Features such as Featured Status, Bold Text, or icons to your current listing.
    • Saved Auctions 
      • Manage auctions that you have saved for later or bulk uploaded.
    • Settings and Messages
      • General Shipping Policy is where you will enter any specific information regarding your methods of shipping (Carrier, Class, Method, etc.). This information will also be pre written into the "Add a New Item" section of the Manager and will automatically be displayed with your Item. When posting an item for auction you can edit this information with specific costs of shipping for that item.
      • General Payment Policy is where you will enter any specific terms of payment that you accept (Money Order, Checks, Credit Cards, Within 10 Days, etc.). This information will also be pre written into the "Add a New Item" section of the Manager and will automatically be displayed with your Item. You should be clear on your policies here to avoid confusion.
      • Email Message. This message will be added to the email that winning bidders will receive. It is a good idea to request confirmation, and of course a thank you is nice. Repeating the information entered in General Shipping Policy and General Payment Policy is also recommended.
      • Text For Your Web Page is the area where you can enter information about yourself or your company and let the buyers know who you are. If you are familiar with HTML you may add it here to create your home page. You may make this as simple or as creative as you wish. Just remember this is your presentation of yourself and/or your company to all potential Buyers. This is one area that it would be a good idea to visit other members home pages to see the potential. 
    • Create Text Lists for Posting
      • Here you can create text lists for promoting your items to newsgroups or emailing your customers.
    • Bulk Item Upload 
      • An advanced area that will allow you to create auction data on your home computer. This is an advanced area that has detailed instructions available in the Advanced area. 
    In your Account screen you may view the years totals for your auctions. You may do this by selecting the year you wish to look at from the links below the current screen and it will give you that years totals. To view an itemized list click on the month you would like to view. In the top of this screen you will see the "Total Fees", "Payments Received","Credits Applied" and "Amount Due". If you scroll down you will encounter your: 

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    without express written permission of I Love Auctions is prohibited.